Hi, I'm a fresh transfer to this realm to play with my rl-friend and saw your add in chat right when I log on so..here I am ^^
Char Name: Pum
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Resilience: 284
Irl Name: Olli
How old are u: 18 ½
: Armory link: Sigh..doesnt show me up on armory since I've just transfered -.- Stupid Blizz
And some simply stupid questions....like:
1.Why do u wana join our guild?
You look nice, would like to do some premade's once again
2. How much do u spend playing the character u are applying?
Too much, atleast thats what they say..
And most impotrant:
3. Do u think Moonkins are sexy????
Mmm..Ofc they are! <3 Or wait..